Shemos 2023

Shemos 2025/5785: Why did Moshe who cared so much for his people refuse to go to redeem them? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/14/25)
(Sources: Arvey Nachal)

Vaera 2025/5785: Why ten plagues? Why those and why now? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/21/25)
Sources: Classical Commentaries and Netivot Shalom

Vaera 2024/5784: Mitzrayim – The root of all exiles and all redemptions (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/09/24)
(Sources: The Gerer Rebbe, HaRav Moshe Shapira)

Bo 2025/5785: How do we explain Hashem hardening Pharaoh’s heart, and the 3 lessons we learn from it (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (0/28/25)
(Sources: Moreshet Gad by Rav Godol Eisner)

Bo 2024/5784 Changing the Nation’s Perception of who the Jewish People are (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (1/16/24)
Sources: Be’er Moshe

Beshalach 2024/5784: Insights into the journey from Egypt to Sinai (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (1/24/24)
Sources: HaRav Hirsch


Yitro 2025/5785: The 10 Commandments – The Source of the Vitality of all Jews (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/11/25)
(Sources: Ohr Gedalyahu by HaRav Gedalia Schor)

Mishpatim 2025/5785: How could a person who stood at Sinai become a slave and how can he regain true freedom? (Mrs. Leah Kohn)
Sources:  The Gerer Rebbi, shlita and Mima’amakim and Rabbi Mandelbaum


Mishpatim 2024/5784 Laws between Man and Man or between Man and G-d? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (2/6/24)
Sources: Be’er Moshe

Mishpatim 2023/5783 The Deeper connection between Mishpatim, Shekalim and the Blessing of the Month of Adar (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/14/23)
Passcode: +NrhuD9s
Sources: Gerer Rebbe, shlita 5781:

Terumah 2025/5785: Parshat Shkalim – Step One towards Freedom (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/25/23)
Sources: Writings of HaRav Hirsch

Terumah 2024/5784 The Mishkan (Tabernacle) for all generations (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/13/24)
Sources: Be’er Moshe,  Degel Machane Ephraim

Terumah 2023/5783: The Hidden and Revealed in the Torah, the Mishkan and in every Jew (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/21/23)
Sources:Gerer Rebbe, shlita 5780, 5781, Mima’amakim , HaRav Mandelbaum

Tetzaveh 2024/5784 Lighting the Menorah for all Generations (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/20/24)
(Sources: Classic Commentaries – Rashi, Mabim,- Be’er Moshe)

Tetzaveh 2023/5783: Why does the Torah spend an entire chapter discussing the clothing of the Kohen in such detail? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/28/23)
Sources: Malbim, Maoz Latam by Rabbi Kirzner

Ki Tisa 2024/5784 The Gates of Teshuva are always open (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/27/24)
Sources: Be’er Moshe, The Gerrer Rebbe

Vayakhel 2024/5784: The Connection between Vayakhel, Shekalim and Adar (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (03/05/24)
Sources: HaRav Menashe Yisroel Reisman

Vayakhel-Pekudei 2023/5783: Why were the Jewish people considered redeemed only after building the Mishkan? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (03/14/23)
(Sources: Maoz Latam by Rabbi Kirzner (Teruma, Tezave)