
Shemos 2023/5783: A Jewish Uniqueness – The ability to go into exile willingly (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/10/23)


Vaera 2023/5783: Shabbos and Emunah in Mitzrayim and Everywhere Else (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (01/17/23)

Vaera 2021/5781: Laying the Foundation for Revealing Hashem When He Appears to be Hidden (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/12/21)
Sources: Moreshet Gad by HaRav Gadol Eisner, The Gerrer Rebbe shlita 7065

Bo 2023/5783: The reason for the all the miracles in Egypt, particularly the last 3 plagues (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/24/23)
Sources: Ohr HaChaim, Ramban, Maharal

Bo 2022/5782: What the last Three Plagues will Teach Pharaoh, the Jews in Egypt and Future Generations (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/04/22)
Sources:  Chatam Sofer

Bo 2021/5781: The Connection Between the 10 Gates of Prayer and the 10 Plagues (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/19/21)
Sources: Classic Commentaries The Gerrer Rebbe Shlita 5762, 5766

Beshalach 2023/5783: Making the Song of the Red Sea our Daily Song (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/31/23)
(Sources: Darchei Noam, The Rebbe of Slonim)

Beshalach 2022/5782: Three Gifts/Tests – The Cloud, the Mun, and the Well (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/11/22)
(Sources: HaRav Moshe Shapiro, Beshalach 5747)

Beshalach 2021/5781: Emunah as a Key to Redemption: Understanding the Actions of Paraoh and the Jewish people Leading to the Splitting of the Red Sea (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/26/21)
Sources: Ohr Chaim, Ramban, Classic Commentaries

Yitro 2023/5783: The meaning of the seemingly opposites of fire and darkness at Mount Sinai (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/07/23)
Sources: MaMaamakim by Rabbi Mandelbaum, Shiur L’Yom haShabbat by rabbi MillER


Yitro 2022/5782 How can I be commanded to believe in Hashem when I don’t remember Sinai (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/18/22)
(Sources: Gerrer Rebbe, Shlita 5769 and 4770, Darchei Noam by the Slonimer Rebbe)

Yitro 2021/5781: The 10 Commandments as a Roadmap to Establishing a Connection with Hashem (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/02/21)
Sources: Darchei Noam by Rebbe of Slonim, The Gerrer Rebbe

Mishpatim 2022/5782:  Why is this Parsha inserted after the Giving of the Torah and Before the Building of the Mishkan (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/25/22)
(Sources: Darchei Noam by the Slonomer Rebber, Classic Commentaries)

Mishpatim 2021/5781: The Ascending Structure and Design of the Parsha (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (02/09/21)

Terumah 2022/5782: Our Eternal and Internal Mishkan (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (02/01/22)

Terumah 2021/5781: The Meaning of Building a Mikdash Now, in the Last Era Before Mashiach (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/16/21)
Sources: Ramban, Ohr HaChaim, HaRav Moshe Shapira

Tetzaveh 2022/5782: Moshe and Aharon – Paving the Path for Bringing The Divine Presence into our Midst (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/08/22)
(Sources: Classic Commentaries)

Tetzaveh: The Divine Presence in the Mishkan and the Way to Access it (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/23/21)
Sources: Ohr Gedalia, HaRav Gedalia Schorr
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Ki Sisa 2022/5782: Keeping Shabbos and Building a Mishkan (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (02/15/22)

Ki Sisa: Shekalim, Ketores, and the Eigel (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (03/02/21)

Vayakel 2022/5782: Building a Mishkan with Alacrity and Enthusiasm (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (02/22/22)

Vayakel-Pekudai: Shabbos and the Mishkan – Communal Time and Communal Space (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (03/09/21)

Pekudei 2022/5782: The Mishkan, the Jewish People, Creation, and Shabbat: Their Common Denominator (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (03/01/22)
(Sources: Sfat Emet, Moreshet Gad by Rav Gadol Eisner)

What the Division of the Torah into Five Books Reveals to us, Part 5: The Theme of Shmos vis-a-vis Bereishis, and the Connection between the Two (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/04/22)

What the Division of the Torah into Five Books Reveals to us, Part 6: Why is the Book called Shmos when names are only discussed briefly? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/18/22)

Sefer Shmos: Creating a Nation Unlike Any Other (06/15/22)