Shabbat and Holidays

The Intimate Relationship Between the Jew and Shabbat: Examining different aspects of this relationship and exploring ways to enable us to continuously deepen it, Part 1 (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (10/26/22)

The Intimate Relationship Between the Jew and Shabbat: Examining different aspects of this relationship and exploring ways to enable us to continuously deepen it, Part 2 (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (11/09/22)

The Intimate Relationship Between the Jew and Shabbat: Examining different aspects of this relationship and exploring ways to enable us to continuously deepen it, Part 3 (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (11/23/22)

The Intimate Relationship Between the Jew and Shabbat: Examining different aspects of this relationship and exploring ways to enable us to continuously deepen it, Part 4 (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (12/07/22)

What is expected of me on Rosh Hashanah? Part 1: Why is the beginning of the year celebrated on the first day of the seventh month? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (09/07/22)

What is expected of me on Rosh Hashanah? Part 2: Why is Rosh Hashanah celebrated on the day Creation was completed and Man was created? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (09/21/22)

The Month of Elul – Awakening and Accessing our Inner Resources (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (09/07/22)

Why do we celebrate two days of Rosh HaShanah (even in Israel)? (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (09/14/22)

Rosh HaShanah – A Day of Judgment or a Day of Kindness? (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (09/21/22

10 Reasons for the Blowing of the Shofar on Rosh HaShanah; 10 Expressions of the Essence of the Day (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (09/02/21)

Rosh Hashanah: Trepidation or Exaltation? (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (08/31/21)

The 10 Symbolic Foods of Rosh HaShanah: A Deeper Examination
Beyond the Traditional Reasons (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (08/29/21)

The Haftorah of the Second Day of Rosh HaShanah:
The Key to Transitioning from the Summer’s Three Weeks and its Subsequent Weeks of Consolation into The Days of Awe (Mrs. Marcy Stern) (08/30/21)

The Four Additions to the Rosh HaShanah Shemona Esrei(Mrs. Leah Kohn) (09/14/20)
Sources: Sifsei Chaim by HaRav Friedlander

Why was Rosh HaShanah Designated the Day of Judgment (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (09/16/20)

Why Do We Need the 10 Days of Repentance and Yom Kippur after the Month of Elul and Rosh HaShanah (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (09/23/20)

A Guide to the Correct and Healthy Process of Teshuvah (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (09/23/20)

Bringing the clarity, enthusiasm and commitment we experience on the High Holidays into every day of our lives, Part 2 (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (11/10/21)

The Multiple Reasons for the Happiness of Sukkot  (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (09/30/20)

Insights into the 4 Species and What They Represent (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (09/30/20)

The Difference between the Thanks we give Hashem every day and the Thanks given on Chanukah (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (11/29/21)

Chapter 30: The Impact of Chanukah Throughout All of Jewish History, Tehillim Chapter 30 (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/04/21)

Chanukah: Specifically an Eight Day Holiday (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (12/14/20)

What does it take to create light out of darkness?: Comparing Chanukah to Purim (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (12/14/22)
(Audio only)


Understanding Current Events via The Story of Purim (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (03/14/22)

The Story of Purim:  Laying the Groundwork for the Ultimate Redemption (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (02/22/21)

The Connection Between Tehillim 22 and Purim (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (02/08/21)

Why is the fact that we left Egypt in a hurry, symbolized by our eating matzah, the main aspect we focus on? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (03/28/22)

An In-Depth Study of the  First of the Ten Commandments: Anochi Hashem (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/25/20)

The Reason We Have to Remember the Giving of the Torah Every Day of Our Life (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/18/20)

Sefiras HaOmer: Counting your Days and making Your Days Count, Part 1 (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein)  (04/07/21)

Sefiras HaOmer: Counting your Days and making Your Days Count, Part 2 (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein)  (04/14/21)

Shavuos:  Why was a Mountain held over us at Har Sinai (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/01/22)

Shavuos: The Sinai Experience – How it Impacts us Today (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (06/01/22)

Haftarah of the First Day of Shavuos (with Classical Commentaries and HaRav Hirsch) (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/26/20)

Shavuot: The Goal of Seven Weeks of Preparation (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (05/12/21)

Shavuot: Hashem, The Torah and Bnei Yisroel (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (05/27/20)

Shavuot – Tehillim 15 “.. and speaks the truth from his heart”  (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/10/21)

The Three Weeks of Growth and Our Three Inborn Weaknesses (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (07/13/22)

The Three Weeks of Growth and Our Three Inborn Weaknesses, Part 2 (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (07/20/22)

The Three Weeks of Growth and Our Three Inborn Weaknesses, Part 3 (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (07/27/22)

The 17th of Tammuz: Why do We Fast? (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (07/08/20)

The 17th of  Tammuz -The Day of the Broken Tablets: How could Bnei Yisroel sin so shortly after, and what this event teaches us today  (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (06/23/21)

The Tears of Tisha B’Av: Yirmiyahu’s investment in Bringing the Redemption (Mrs. Marcy Stern) (07/13/21)

Is it Bad to be Sad? The function and purpose of mourning during the 3 weeks (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (06/30/21)