
Prayer – Why do I need to pray since G-d always does what’s good for me? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (01/05/23)

An Exploration of Birkat Kohanim (Blessings of the Priests) (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (12/20/21)

Understanding the Significant Details within our Berachos (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (12/22/21)

Why the First Blessing is the only one in the Shemona Esrei that MUST be said with intention and an awareness of its meaning (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (12/23/21)

The Poetry of Prayer and the Uplifting Power of Psalms, Part 1 (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (06/03/20)

The Poetry of Prayer and the Uplifting Power of Psalms, Part 2 (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (06/10/20)

The Poetry of Prayer and the Uplifting Power of Psalms, Part 3 (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (06/17/20)

The Poetry of Prayer and the Uplifting Power of Psalms, Part 4 (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (06/24/20)