Human Relationships

It’s All in the Family: The Genesis of Human Relationships, Part 1 (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (10/27/22)

It’s All in the Family: The Genesis of Human Relationships, Part 2 – Parenthood (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (111/2/22)

It’s All in the Family: The Genesis of Human Relationships, Part 3 – Siblings (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (11/09/22)

It’s All in the Family: The Genesis of Human Relationships, Part 4 – Conclusion (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (11/16/22)

Studies in Tomer Dvorah – How to Emulate Hashem, Part 1 (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (03/02/22)

Studies in Tomer Dvorah – How to Emulate Hashem, Part 2 (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (03/09/22)

Studies in Tomer Dvorah – How to Emulate Hashem, Part 3 (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (03/23/22)

Studies in Tomer Dvorah – How to Emulate Hashem, Part 4 (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (03/30/22)

Lessons of the Aggadata: The Frog, The Crocodile, The Raven and the Tree, Part 1 (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (02/02/22)
“Aggadot” are  parables or fables in Gemarah, written by Chazal, the purpose of which is not to teach halacha.  Rather, these Aggadot, when delved into, explored and interpreted offer our Sages’ remarkable insights into human nature, personalities and character traits.  They deal with the internal, the philosophical, and give us aspirations of who we should strive to become. This series will  interpret  one of these aggadot  in order for us to understand what Chazal are trying to teach us and help us be the best person we can be.

The Lessons of the Aggadata: The Frog, The Crocodile, The Raven and the Tree, Part 2 – The Frog (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (02/09/22)

The Lessons of the Aggadata: The Frog, The Crocodile, The Raven and the Tree, Part 3 – The Crocodile (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (02/16/22)

The Lessons of the Aggadata: The Frog, The Crocodile, The Raven and the Tree, Part 4 – The Raven and the Tree (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (02/23/22)

Addressing Current Challenges, Part 2 Human Relationships and COVID-19(Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/04/20)

Addressing Current Challenges, Part 3 Torah Guidelines for Human Relationships (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/11/20)

Strategies for Fighting on our Spiritual Battlegrounds (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (07/22/20)

Re-examining Human Relationships Through the Eyes of COVID-19
A One-of-a-Kind Opportunity: Elevating Ourselves in the “New Normal” (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (12/20/20)

But I know I’m right, even though you think you are.” Handling Disagreement in Disagreeable Times (Textual Study) (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein)  (12/21/20)

Rising to the Challenge: The Enormous Magnitude – and Difficulty – of “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” during COVID (Rabbi Yinon Kalazan) (12/22/20)

Vision Unmasked: How we Perceive Others in Challenging Times (Mrs. Debbie Greenblatt) (12/24/20)

Torah Instructions for Commercial and Personal Interactions (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein)

Negative Speech: Analyzing the source of negative speech and its power and how to successfully challenge it (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (07/14/21)

Building the Bais Mikdash One Block at a Time based on the Preface of Sforno to the Torah (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (07/12/21)

Rebuilding the Bais Mikdash One Brick at a Time:  Does My Brick Really Count? (Rabbi Yisroel Teichman) (07/14/21)

Striving for Jewish Unity in a Divided World (Ms. Chani Gotlieb) (07/15/21)