Bamidbar 2023

Bamidbar 2024/5784: The Census of the Jewish People and what it indicates about our uniqueness (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/04/24)
Sources: Arugot HaBosem, Ohr Gedaliahu

Bamidbar 2023/5783: 10 Times Being Counted, 10 Times of Elevation (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/16/23)
(Sources: Be’er Moshe, 5724 3rd Volume Pinchas)

Bamidbar: Ten Test in the Desert: Ten Tests in Every Jew’s Life (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/31/23)

Bamidbar: To Count and to Be Counted (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (04/26/23)

Nasso 2023/5783: Birkat Kohanim (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/30/23)
(Sources: Sefer HaChinuch, Malbim, Be’er Moshe)

The Awesome Power of Birkat Kohanim (Mrs. Marcy Stern) (05/31/23)

Behaaloscha 2024/5784: Three Families of Levis – 3 Names, 3 Missions, 3 Levels. What makes them all equal? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/18/24)
(Sources: Shem Mishmuel, Be’er Moshe, Sefer haParshiyot)

Behaaloscha 2023/5783: The Events of the Midbar and their Current Application (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (06/06/23)

Understanding Miriam’s Mistake and why it is included in the 6 Remembrances (Mrs. Marcy Stern) (06/07/23)

Shlach 2024/5784 Why were the spies afraid to enter the land Hashem promised He would conquer  for them? (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/25/24)
Sources: Shem MiShmuel


Shlach 2023/5783: The fear of a “land that devours its inhabitants” physically and spiritually (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/13/22)

The Lessons we learn from the Ma’apilim (the ones who were defiant) (Mrs. Marcy Stern) (06/14/23)

Korach 2024/5784: Ambition: Analyzing the Motives behind it (Rabbi Eliyah Bergstein) (07/02/24)

Korach 2023/5783: The grave consequences of even a hint of arrogance and jealousy (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/20/23)

Chukas 2024/5784 Our Task: Elevating the Material to the Spiritual (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/09/24)

Chukat-Balak 2023/5783: Death, contamination and purity – from First Man to Mashiach (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/27/23)
(Sources: Be’er Moshe)

Balak 2024/5784 What is the Torah Definition of Good? (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/16/24)

Pinchas 2024/5784: The Flourishing of Yehosha bin Nun (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/23/24)

Pinchas 2023/5783: Korach’s Sons and Tzlofchod’s Daughters (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/04/23)