
Bamidbar 2022/5782: Counting and Being Counted (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/31/22)
(Sources: Daat Torah by Rav Yeruchum Levovitz)

Bamidbar 2021/5781  The Way the Torah has been Acquired – On Sinai and all through the Generations (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/11/21)
Sources: Ramban, Darchei Noam by The Rebbe of Slonim

Nasso 2020/5780 The Nazir and the Sota: Two Ways of Channeling the Attributes of Giving and Taking (Mrs. Leah Kohn)
Sources: Asufat Ma’arachot by Rabbi Goldwicht

Behaalotcha 2022/5782: Being Happy in the Present (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (06/14/22)

Behaalotcha 2021/5781 The journeys of Bnei Yisrael in the desert – A Road Map for our Life Journey (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (05/25/21) 
Sources: Nesivos Shalom by the Rabbi of Slonim, The Shem Mishmuel by the Sochtshover Rabbi,  Maoz Latam by Rabbi Kirzner.

Behaalotcha 2020/5780  Avrohom, Aharon and the Jewish Nation: An Illustration of the Honest Pursuit of Truth (Mrs. Leah Kohn)
Sources: Asufat Ma’arachot by Rabbi Goldwicht

Shelach 2022/5782: The Spies – Caring for the Spiritual Wellbeing of Every Jew (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/21/22)
Sources:Arvei Nachal by HaRav David Shlomo Eibishitz

Shelach 2021/5781 Insights into the Story of the Spies and the Impact on Future Generations (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/01/21) 
Sources: Asufat Maarachot by HaRav Goldricht

Shelach 2020/5780 The Fascinating Dynamics of Free Choice (Mrs. Leah Kohn)
Sources: Da’at Torah by Rabbi Yeruchum Leibovitz

Korach 2022/5782: Don’t Fall Into Korach’s Hole (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein)(06/28/22)

Korach 2021/5781 Moshe and Hashem’s Unique Reaction to the Story of Korach: A Lesson for All Generations (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/08/21) 
Sources: Daat Torah by HaRav Leibowitz, Shiur L’Yom HaShabbat by HaRav Miller

Korach 2020/5780  The Constructive and Destructive Power of Unity and Speech (Mrs. Leah Kohn)
Sources: Classical Commentaries, HaRav Moshe Shapira, 5776

Chukas 2021/5781 The Connection Between the Complaints about the Manna and the Serpent (Mrs. Leah Kohn) (06/15/21)
Sources: Asufat Maarachot by HaRav Goldricht, Merosh Tzurim by HaRav Reiss

Chukas 2020/5780  Every Spiritual Achievement Counts (Mrs. Leah Kohn)
Sources: Hebrew Hamodiya, 4 Tammuz, pg. 12

The Red Cow, Impurity and the Interplay between Life and Death. Wed, July 1 – Mrs. Ivy Kalazan

Balak 2021/5781 Bilam: The Misuse of Spiritual Potential (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (06/22/21)

Pinchas 2022/5782: The Role of Leaders and Followers Within Klal Yisroel (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/19/22)

Pinchas 20021/5781  Zealotry of Pinchas – Prototype or Exception? (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (6/29/21)

Matos-Masei 2022/5782: For what Task has Hashem Designated us? (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/26/22)

Matos-Masei 2021/5781  How our Decisions of Today Impact our Future (Rabbi Eliyahu Bergstein) (07/06/21)

The 42 Stops: The journey through the desert and the journey through our lives (Mrs. Ivy Kalazan) (07/07/21)